What Scribes Do
The medical industry is increasingly focused on patient-centered care. A fact reflected in increasing demands of practice for corporate compliance, new healthcare models, new coding and documentation requirements and ever changing revenue cycles. Scribes help medical facilities stay ahead of the curve in this regard, as scribes free physicians from time-consuming documentation responsibilities.
Scribes assist by recording the patient visit in real time. They increase time-spent with patients and minimize time used to write medical notes.
The goal of the scribe is to have all the relevant information recorded into the EMR, so that by the end of the visit the provider only needs to proof the note and dictate the assessment and plan before closing the note and moving onto the next patient.
How Scribes Help Physicians
Scribes save providers valuable time. By accurately recording and creating the EMR’s ‘live’ it will free the physicians or practitioners up to see more patients, increase time-spent with patients…and, more discretionary time to spend with their families and outside activities. Scribes free up doctors from the tedious task of medical record keeping.
Scribes are responsible for recording and updating the following; :
History of the Patient’s Current Illness
Review-Of-Systems (ROS) and Physical Examinations
Vital Signs and Lab Values
Recording Results of Imaging Studies
Continued Care Plans and Updating Medication Lists
Past, Family and Social History
Updating Problem Lists
Medication Reconciliation
Prepare Lab Orders and Diagnostic Testing
CPT and ICD-10 Diagnosis Coding Requirements
Meaningful Use (i.e. Patient portals for email communications)
Why Do Physicians Need Scribes?
New regulatory reform and healthcare models require more detailed provider notes geared towards providing more accurate documentation. This has increased the administrative burden placed on providers during patient visits in order to satisfy a stringent list of coding compliance requirements. These apply to billing, insurance and governmental compliance, quality measures, ACO, AQC the list goes on.
Scribe Partners fulfills a growing need in the medical marketplace to help physicians complete their notes accurately in the electronic medical record (EMR) on time and cost-efficiently.
Scribe Partners helps doctors spend more time with patients and less time on the computer. Time saved can also result in a higher number of daily patient appointments, and more time for physicians to spend with their families and other activities.
Scribe Partners takes the stress out of electronic medical record keeping by training and placing scribes in medical offices and Emergency Rooms.